DIY Headboard

I’m really into some DIY projects lately. That’s probably because I’m 1. unemployed and 2. have this “I can recreate anything I see or imagine” mindset when it comes to all things crafts, decor, and misc. projects.

I got a new bed a few weeks ago but didn’t want to dish out the cash for a bed frame. I knew exactly what I wanted to do instead.

A year or so ago, I went into Anthropologie and saw this incredible display. It was huge and multi-layered. I snapped a pic for a “one-day” project. Take a look:

Insanely beautiful, right? When dreaming of the perfect headboard/wall art for my new bed, I immediately thought of this and wanted to do my own version. To customize mine, I wanted a single layer row of fabric with colors that would compliment my (pink) room.


If you have a space on your empty wall or want to create a headboard, keep reading and I’ll teach you how!

Materials Needed:

  • Rod (I used a closet rod found at Home Depot for $12) (Also, I had an employee cut the rod for me to fit my measurement)
  • Soft twine (two rolls, Home Depot, $3 each)
  • Plastic clear beads (Michael’s Craft Store, $3)
  • Old T-Shirts in the colors you want your fabric pieces (Closet/Goodwill)
  • Two plant hangers

The total cost for me was about $40 bucks, mostly spent on Goodwill T-shirts to get the colors I wanted just right.

  1. Take the rod, cover it with twine (or, skip this tedious step, and after step 3, cover it with a fabric of your choice)
  2. Cut many twine pieces to the length you want
  3. Tie the twine at the top of the rod, spacing them about one inch apart
  4. Add two beads at the bottom of the rope, tying the bottom bead secure
  5. Cut your T-shirs into roughly 4 inch strips and pull the fabric to lengthen 
  6. Tie them on to your twine, creating any design your imagination leads (double or single knot, you’ll still be able to slide your fabric up and down for placement) 
  7. Hang your two plant hangers from the ceiling (speaking of celling… looks like I never got around to cleaning that pink paint off my white celling… heh…heh…)
  8. Tie more twine from the plant hanger to rod (my rod didn’t fit into my plant hanger, but I am happy about it because I liked the look of it hanging down to create an even space from top and bottom) 
  9. Hang & send me your pics!

I need to be fair to you and say this wasn’t the quickest project… In fact, it took me about 15 hours to do. I caught up on some movies and TV shows, that’s for sure!

What do you think?!

(See Eleanor totally photo bombing my pic?! Isn’t she the prettiest though?!)

Awww, baby!

Ok, back to the headboard. It’s definitely worth the time for such a cheap project that really makes a statement. Have at it bloggies!

8 thoughts on “DIY Headboard

  1. I am going to Pin this. You’re gonna be famous! lol, great job, seriously, it’s the kind of thing people think “Oh, I can do that” and never do…but not you, you truly have the artsy eye and gift!!! Love it!

  2. Wow Shea, totally whimsical, delicately graphic….so you! The design is perfect, colors pop on your wall. Wish I could hire you to come do it for my bed. I’m too lazy to actually do the work 🙂 Have you considered trying to find work at an interior design shop? The pay may be miserly to start as an apprentice position but the experience would be a way to find creative jobs. You sure have the talent.

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